
  • My first year as a digital nomad

    What is delayed is not denied. Never give up on your dreams, maybe they do not happen exactly when you want, but if you stick to them, eventually they come true. As the mountaineer Nimsdai would say: “Giving up is not in the blood, sir. It’s not in the blood.”

  • Case study: a 10-sessions coaching journey

    Meet the clients where they are. Partner with them to let them reach their next step, whichever that is. Celebrate with them the successes. Repeat 🙂 Today I share the case study of a 10-sessions coaching journey with Claire, a talented freelancer. 1. What prompted you to start work with me?  “Giulia and I had […]

  • Case study: results of a 9-months coaching journey

    When I started working with this client, I noticed the drive and passion behind every action, together with a bold vision. It is a great honour to share this case study, that brings a message of possibility, hope and creation. 1. What prompted you to start work with me?  What challenges were you experiencing? “I […]

  • Testimonianza di una cliente su un percorso di coaching di 12 mesi

    Il 14 ottobre 2020 scrivevo in un post che ero curiosa e fiduciosa, una mia cliente aveva piantato il seme e, con acqua e pazienza, la piantina sarebbe cresciuta. Nove mesi dopo, 14 luglio 2021, brindo con lei a tutti i passi fatti e i meravigliosi successi raggiunti! Condivido il suo pensiero con voi, immensamente […]

  • Client’s review on a 10-sessions coaching journey

    “I highly recommend Giulia Villirilli as a career coach. For those of you that are ambitious, feel the need to run, dive in, and keep going – career coaching is a necessity. For those of you that have a difficult work situation to navigate, coaching can help get you to a more successful and sustainable […]

  • Upcoming negotiations may seem scary, but…

    “Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” – John F. Kennedy One of my clients, a manager in a big corporation, was scared about the upcoming meeting with her boss, in which she wanted to ask for a raise and more responsibilities. Even if she had worked hard […]

  • On diversity and inclusion

    “When you’re finally up on the moon, looking back at the earth, all these differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend and you’re going to get a concept that maybe this is really one world and why the hell can’t we learn to live together like decent people?” — Frank Borman, Retired […]

  • Miglioramento quotidiano 4 – Lo Zoom Out

    🚀Se siamo bloccati in una situazione, possiamo ricordarci di fare zoom out. 🌍Vederci dall’alto ci fa vedere cosa abbiamo intorno, e soprattutto, ci fa riflettere su chi vogliamo essere in quella situazione e che messaggio vogliamo dare a noi stessi.

  • Miglioramento quotidano 3-bonus – Il feedback non è personale

    🚀I feedback costruttivi sono come il pulsante “boost”, lo conoscete? 🌱Il feedback costruttivo innesca il processo di miglioramento personale o lo rende piú veloce. 🧐”E quindi?” E quindi si impara a conoscere se stessi meglio, si accorciano i tempi di realizzazione dei progetti di vita o professionali, si portano a casa piú soddisfazioni e … […]

  • Miglioramento quotidiano 3 – ricevere feedback

    ☕️“Feedback is the breakfast of champions” – Ken Blanchard 😉Ma tra il dire e il fare… sappiamo bene che ci vogliono coraggio ed umiltá per ascoltare un feedback e lavorare su di noi. 👉In questo video, come ricevere un feedback senza prendere pallonate in pancia e senza schiacciare pallonate in faccia! Se vuoi lavorare con […]