When I started working with this client, I noticed the drive and passion behind every action, together with a bold vision. It is a great honour to share this case study, that brings a message of possibility, hope and creation.
1. What prompted you to start work with me? What challenges were you experiencing?
“I was in a transitional moment in my career. I had a job I was not fully satisfied with because of its limited scope and exposure. I felt I could do more with my skills, knowledge and network and it was a bit frustrating not seeing those fully leveraged.
I met Giulia at a business event and she looked energetic and fully confident. We had a follow-up call after the event and we discussed what we were doing in our lives. I coincidentally had a few close friends around me who were benefiting from coaching sessions and they were suggesting that I get a coach. I wanted to move forward in my career and to know myself, improve my skills and have an external view and support on moving things forward. I had experienced mentoring previously, but it was the first time I was hearing about coaching and its benefits. So in the right place at the right time, lupus in fabula Giulia arrived.”
2. What were the highlights of your experience with me?
“There were moments of highs and moments of lows during the search. I was trying to let all the stars align for what I wanted to do. Giulia was good at each point to understand how to let me stay focus on what mattered. She helped me to take the right step forward in the right direction and to always stay positive. I was able to actively build positive situations and outcomes. Interview processes were the most intense times. There were moments of silence and wait after the interview where my energy was low and Giulia gave me the support to carry forward and focus on what I could control.”
3. What were the concrete results of your work with me?
“The first result of the coaching journey was that I managed to move to another job with a regional scope, with a 30% increase. A second result, that is more difficult to quantify but just as important, is that I have more control of my life and career. I am building a positive attitude towards events and manage reactions to events thanks to my coaching with Giulia.”
Regional Sales Director (for confidentiality reasons, the name is not published)