Month: July 2021

  • Case study: a 10-sessions coaching journey

    Meet the clients where they are. Partner with them to let them reach their next step, whichever that is. Celebrate with them the successes. Repeat 🙂 Today I share the case study of a 10-sessions coaching journey with Claire, a talented freelancer. 1. What prompted you to start work with me?  “Giulia and I had […]

  • Case study: results of a 9-months coaching journey

    When I started working with this client, I noticed the drive and passion behind every action, together with a bold vision. It is a great honour to share this case study, that brings a message of possibility, hope and creation. 1. What prompted you to start work with me?  What challenges were you experiencing? “I […]

  • Testimonianza di una cliente su un percorso di coaching di 12 mesi

    Il 14 ottobre 2020 scrivevo in un post che ero curiosa e fiduciosa, una mia cliente aveva piantato il seme e, con acqua e pazienza, la piantina sarebbe cresciuta. Nove mesi dopo, 14 luglio 2021, brindo con lei a tutti i passi fatti e i meravigliosi successi raggiunti! Condivido il suo pensiero con voi, immensamente […]

  • Client’s review on a 10-sessions coaching journey

    “I highly recommend Giulia Villirilli as a career coach. For those of you that are ambitious, feel the need to run, dive in, and keep going – career coaching is a necessity. For those of you that have a difficult work situation to navigate, coaching can help get you to a more successful and sustainable […]