#coaching #leadership #rootsandwings #lunchbreak

  • Miglioramento quotidano 3-bonus – Il feedback non è personale

    🚀I feedback costruttivi sono come il pulsante “boost”, lo conoscete? 🌱Il feedback costruttivo innesca il processo di miglioramento personale o lo rende piú veloce. 🧐”E quindi?” E quindi si impara a conoscere se stessi meglio, si accorciano i tempi di realizzazione dei progetti di vita o professionali, si portano a casa piú soddisfazioni e … […]

  • Roots & Wings – Lunch break #11 – Elegance

    “Elegance is an attitude” – Karl Lagerfeld If leaders were places, mine would be Torino, as a symbol of class, beauty and character. The city where I grew up made me breathe its elegance for years in its arcades with lanterns, the river alongside the hills, the Alps all around, the symmetry and the angles […]

  • Roots & Wings – Lunch break #10 – Inspiration

    “If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader.” – Dolly Parton When I first met her, I felt that unique vibe. She was the creator of a three-day intensive training, which she led hour after hour with presence, […]

  • Roots & Wings – Lunch break #9 – Celebrate

    “Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead” – Nelson Mandela While living abroad, the Italian community always made the concept very clear:  every time one of us went to Italy, he or she had to return to Germany with typical products and share them with others during the lunch breaks. The […]

  • Resilience – Lunch Breaks series

    The feeling you have after having faced many adversities is of deep trust in yourself. You know that no matter where you are, you will find your way out, as you had managed it already several times. This sensation is empowering and gives every obstacle a different perspective; you start asking yourself: “what do I […]

  • Roots & Wings – Lunch break #8 – Curiosity

    “Being curious means being open to new information and actively seeking it out. It means embracing facts that don’t fit your world view and trying to understand their implications. It means letting your mistakes trigger curiosity instead of embarassment. “How on earth could I be so wrong about that fact? What can I learn from […]